Mežizstrādes pakalpojumi

Timber preparation with harvester
For harvesting felling, main felling, damaged tree felling, timber harvesting is done by John Deere harvesters. In non-standard situations we apply felling with hand-held chainsaws.

Timber hauling with forwarder
Removing and transporting the timber assortment from the felling area to the warehouse is performed by John Deere forwarders.

Timber preparation with hand-held chainsaws
In non-standard situations (average tree diameter over 65 cm., Boggy area) we apply felling with hand-held chainsaws.

Felling area care
The aim is to improve the quality of the trees by providing them with sufficient space for growth and lighting, and by improving the condition of the trees by selective felling of forest diseases, pests, animals or otherwise damaged, wind-blown and broken trees.

We perform clear afforestation of clearings with high quality reproductive material.